About AVaStar

About AVaStar

About AVaStar

About Avastar

AVaStar is a new way to deliver audiovisual and presentation technology services. Our platform empowers venue teams to better self-manage Audiovisual/Event Technology Services by providing the structure, systems and support to sell, coordinate and deliver high-quality and reliable presentation technology services.

The AVaStar Constellation was created in direct response to client requests for a program to guide their staff in providing technology services to their customers. Our program supports on-site teams with a complete roadmap to AV/Technology services, removing the mystery and guesswork and ensuring Everything Works. Let’s face it…they’ve got other things to do!

What is AVaStar?

The AVaStar platform provides the operating system to effectively plan and execute efficient AV and Technology services in a public or private venue. Anywhere staff needs to manage the presentation technology needs of meetings and events, AVaStar can improve revenue, decrease costs, protect your investment and enhance the customer experience.

Who can use AVaStar?

AVaStar was created to provide the first and only AV Services management platform built specifically for use by internal venue staff to manage the day-to-day needs of presentation technology services. Hotels, Conference Centers, Corporate/Government facilities, Universities, Entertainment Venues, Houses of Worship…anywhere equipment and resources need to be planned and scheduled, AVaStar is Your Solution!

Why do I need AVaStar?

Are you providing AV Services with limited or no technical staff? Do you have technical staff, but no resources or systems that support them? Does an AV Services provider support your venue and you feel as if you have no control over services in your own venue? Are you responsible for budgeting funds for the purchase, maintenance, upkeep and replacement of technology equipment? If you answered YES to any of these questions – AVaStar is for you!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

-Buckminster Fuller


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